Sixteenth Century Finishing Tools - France

Étienne Roffet

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Comparative Diagram 1 - Étienne Roffet - assorted Bindings 1535-1548

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Comparative Diagram 2 - Étienne Roffet - imprints from commonly used tools.

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Comparative Diagram 3 - Étienne Roffet - imprints from tools rarely used.

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In Comparative Diagram 3, I have arranged the imprints from Reliures Royales binding number 9, in the uppermost row, below this the imprints from Davis331, (documented on the previous page). Imprints a, b, c are found on both bindings. I have separated these imprints from the main collection found in Comparative Diagram 2, due to the fact that these imprints are not found on any of the other bindings shown in Diagram 1. I have numbered the imprints to follow where ever possible Nixon's numbering of the Picard solid tools. Some of Roffet's tools are not paralleled by Picard tools and vice versa so the numbering is going to be a bit scattered. In time I will fill in the missing numbers with other Roffet imprints and hopefully get around to a page of plaque imprints. The reader will notice that there are also unfilled blank spots in the collection of bindings. Documented Roffet bindings are relatively rare, really we are still at the very beginning of our research. Armed with this collection of imprint models, a passionate researcher should soon discover more Étienne Roffet bindings.

See the next page, Étienne Roffet - PLAQUES.

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