French Decorative Bookbinding - Sixteenth Century

Atelier Royal - François Ier

Gid 281

click to see an enlargement

(click on this image to see an enlargement.)

click to see an enlargement

Comparative Diagram 1 - Gid rubbing 281 shown inverted with roulette type models.
(click on this image to see an enlargement.)

Now we can proceed to the various associated bindings. These binding share common tools. In Comparative Diagram 1, I have enlarged the Gid rubbing to match the tool size. After this initial testing of the tool sizes and identities, we then proceed to construct a virtual binding. This is only a rough facsimile to get an idea of the "look" as well as an exercise in understanding how  the various roulettes were applied. Here we see the AN e 1 roulette, which is also found on the Gid 138 binding.

Gid 281

Comparative Diagram 2 - Virtual Gid 281 at 72dpi
(click on this image to see a collection of these bindings)

click on this link to see the next page: Virtual Gid 150

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